Focus and speed
Quotation from experts are commonly printed as a means of inspiration, information and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader.
Source of Ideas
Things around you
Curiosity and empathy
Current trending topics
Science sites
Consists of 7 main topics
1. Physics, Biology and Chemistry
2. Brain and Psychology
3. Plants, Animal and Environtment
4. Outerspace
5. Pseudoscience and Methaphisics
6. Archeology, History and Humanity
7. Awards and Movements
The keys to a good content (Science Article)
1. Relatable topic
Your reader must be able to relate to the issue
2. Have quantitative
Numbers are important if not scientific term/research
3. Involving experts
Mentioning experts name will make your article more legit
The keys to an eye-catching title
1. Relation to the readers
a. Mention specific group community
b. Answering insecurities
2. Include number
a. Especially number of the points
b. May also include part of data in article
3. Engage to do or feel something
a. Persuade something
b. Engaging common curiosity
c. Providing empathy
d. Contradict to popular believe
Source of References
Trusted scientific sites
Research journals
Experts’ identity or profile
Statistical data
Documented experiments
Cover & Pictures
A picture is worth a thousand words. A complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.
1. Bringing creativity, sincerity and passion to the work
2. Communicating properly and acting ethically
3. Thriving in ambiguity and fast-paced environment with constant changes
4. Being active and collaborative rather than competitive
5. Embracing diversity
6. Maintining a positive attitude even when things do not go one’s way
7. Assisting others in the group with their work for the benefit of the group
8. Praising co-workers when they are successful and helping them when need it
9. Doing the right thing even when no one is watching
10. Seeing the company’s success as one’s own success
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